What To Know About Installing Loose Fill Insulation

When it comes to keeping your home protected and comfortable, suitable insulation is necessary. There are many types of insulation on the market, and some options work better than others for specific areas of the home. Your local climate also plays a significant role in determining what insulation will suit your needs. Loose-fill insulation, also called blown-in insulation, is a popular option that works well for many parts of your home. Here's what to know about loose-fill insulation installation.

Where Loose-Fill Insulation Works Best

The first thing to know about loose-fill insulation installation is where it will be the most appropriate option in your home. Typically, loose-fill insulation works best for attics and existing closed walls. This type of insulation is usually blown in parallel to the joists in attics. If you have existing enclosed walls, a loose-fill insulation install is one of the quickest and most cost-effective options available. Your contractor will help you determine if loose-fill insulation is best for your needs and when to combine this type of insulation with other methods. 

How Much It Costs

Knowing how a loose-fill insulation install will impact your bottom line is vital, especially if you are tackling other home improvements simultaneously. The good news is that loose-fill insulation is an affordable option. Also, adding more insulation to your home will help you save on energy costs. Despite its affordability, loose-fill insulation offers ample insulation power. On average, loose-fill insulation installation costs $1 to $1.50 per square foot. Professional installers usually charge $40 to $70 per hour for a loose-fill insulation install. Before the insulation installation begins, discuss the costs with your contractor. 

There Are Different Types of Loose Fill Insulation

Loose-fill insulation isn't one-size-fits-all, and there are different types to choose from. The most popular options for loose-fill insulation are fiberglass, cellulose, and rock wool. Each type of loose-fill insulation has its pros and cons. The choice that will work best for your needs will depend on your budget, where you want to install the insulation and the local climate. Some types of loose-fill insulation work better in specific geographic zones. 

If you require more insulation for your home, there are a few things to know about installing loose-fill insulation. First, knowing where loose-fill insulation is the most appropriate option is crucial. Second, you will want to consider how much you'll pay for loose-fill insulation installation before work begins. Finally, there are different types of loose-fill insulation, so consider your options before committing.

410 Words

About Me

Construction: What a Construct! it is interesting that, as a society, we have decided to lump so many different jobs and trades under the umbrella term of "contracting." One person could use the work contractor to refer to someone who is framing a new building. Another person could use the word "contractor" to refer to someone who was painting walls. Don't even get us started on the term "construction worker." That one's pretty vast, too! Since we realized we cannot possible say everything we want to say about construction and contractors in a few paragraphs, we decided to write a blog. And if you are reading this right now, you've found it. Please stick around and read a bit!




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